Plural, Beans, Chocolate Milk

Maria Pires
2 min readApr 3, 2021

Also, why is it more comfortable to write in the plural, as if you have company in the thoughts you’re currently bleeding out of yourself, as if it is us and not just me or not just you.

We like to feel like there’s someone there with us, as if we’re a group of individuals that all secretly feel the same. Maybe that is it.

And yet we also have this inteeense desire to feel special and unique. Ah, we do love the way we are contradictions, I suppose.

But it’s worth thinking about, of course it is. Most things are worth thinking about. Also beans. Why are beans a thing, who figured that out? Who woke up one day on their search for food (I am guessing this was during the ~ancient times~) and just found beans and discovered they were good. I mean I guess you can apply these same inquiries to all the food, but beans seem like such a weird thing to find in nature and just try to cook and taste.

Guys, humans are weird. Doomed to being contradictions, try to eat the baby beans they find on the ground.

I do have another thought to write down, but I had this written down already so perhaps it doesn’t count. It’s just something I realized over a talk with a friend of mine the other day.

How can anyone say homosexuality is unnatural and then go on to drink a glass of chocolate milk?? It’s beyond me.

Well, a lot of things are. This has been a nice edition of my one a.m. thoughts, a series where I write what I think of, which sometimes happens at one in the morning. Thank you and do reconsider your choice to drink chocolate milk :))



Maria Pires

Portuguese student, fascinated by humans, bubbles and fireflies. Wannabe film student? We’ll see. Currently dreaming about living in a treehouse someday :))